Download the Park Evanston App
Create, register, & verify your account.
Create, register, & verify your account.
Look for the unique zone number on
Park Evanston signs and decals.
Enter your session information & choose a payment method.
Receive alerts & send email receipts
of your parking session.
Pay quickly and securely through
your smartphone.
Get alerts when your parking session
is about to end.
Add time to your parking session
directly from your phone.
See when parking rates will change in the future - even when there’s free parking!
“Helpful app for paying for parking! works smoothly!”
- George Xiong
“Very convenient! The horn reminder and ability to add more time remotely is excellent!”
- Heather Ransom
“It is nice to be able to manage the parking payment from the comfort of my car.”
- Linda Lewandowski
“Good app. Almost perfect.”
- Reuben
“User friendly. Very practical!”
- Ivan Home
We believe in better. What began as a journey to make parking more efficient is now a mission to build smarter cities.